MIXED MEDICINE with Leah Avene & Áine Tyrrell

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Wildernest, Wilson's Creek

MIXED MEDICINE an in-person workshop with Leah Avene will be facilitating conversations about collective resistance, recovery and relationality through narrative and creative practices over the next while.

This Sunday Leah and Áine Tyrrell will be co-facilitating through story through song and conversation.

We both believe that art practices have the greatest impact on our ability to transcend the limitations of our colonial learning injuries, biases and lifetimes worth of conditioning. We believe that relating through story, song and place can help us move from colonial processes of individualism, urgency, binaries, authoritarianism, imposition and fragility toward humanising processes of collectivism, relational time, both/and complexity and grounded, meaningful purpose.

If you are interested in doing the internal and relational work of resistance please join us at @wildernest__ in Wilson’s Creek this Sunday morning.

Tix by donation. Please don’t let money or other colonial limitations be a barrier, if you are yearning you are welcome. Morning Tea and Teas provided *** Full Address given at time of booking.