Áine is a regular panelist, guest speaker, and host on discussions of the effects of colonisation globally as well as advocating for gender equality and environment. She is astutely able to express the web of social justice issues and how they all come back to the roots of empire and colony and meets all social justice issues from this Decolonising Lens.

She comes from a long line of Irish storytellers and activists growing up on the stories of resistance and resilience. Having spent time in many circles of solidarity, she is passionate about awakening us all to our ancestral stories and truths. She is particularly passionate about activating the 80 million Irish Diaspora globally to their own stories. In leaning into their history and recognising similar stories across colonised lands, Irish solidarity globally can be an agent for change with the privilege granted to most Irish now.

  • 2023- Sound Country Artist Climate Leader

  • 2019 - current Co-Founder of Country Witches Association

  • 2019 - current: Co-founder and contributor to WHYNOTHER CAMPAIGN for Gender Equality on Irish Radio

  • 2021 Áine’s impact was underscored when she was chosen to join the Irish President, Michael D Higgins, and his wife Sabine in a tribute celebrating the valour and artistry of Irish women on International Women’s Day

  • 2020-2022 Board Member for Green Music Australia

  • 2019-2020 Director of “In This House’’ Schools Program across SA, VIC, NSW and NT where the conversation of colonisation from Indigenous/Irish perspective was explored through song.
